Leadership in Philanthropy Award
Recipients are acknowledged for their financial support, whether through personal charitable giving, or as a result of outstanding achievement in fundraising.

2021 Abraham and Kimberly Kader
Abraham and Kimberly Kader and their family have been supporting AAMDSIF since their son Michael was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia over twenty years ago. The Kader family’s long-term and consistent giving supports services for patients and families and undergirds the Foundation’s efforts to provide answers, support, and hope to these individuals in crisis.
2020 William and Jennifer Mason
William and Jennifer Mason are long term supporters and donors to AAMDSIF for the past 29 years. The Masons’ daughter, Jill Elizabeth Mason, unfortunately lost her battle with aplastic anemia in 1982 at the age of 15. The family has continued their support in honor of Jill, and we are incredibly grateful to them for their dedication toward providing answers, support and hope to patients and families who continue to fight aplastic anemia and other bone marrow failure diseases.

2020 Stephanie Vendig
Stephanie Vendig and her family have an impressive history of investing in AAMDSIF for the past 22 years. Stephanie and her husband, Fred, became involved with the AAMDSIF when he was diagnosed with MDS, and they were relieved to find a sense of control through the help and the resources that her husband found in the foundation. Fred passed away from complications of MDS in 2001, and Stephanie also lost her mother-in-law and brother-in-law to MDS. She continues her support to provide that same sense of control for other patients and their families through patient education programs, MDS Research, and support networks through the Foundation.
Read more abour Stephanie and her family's journey here!

2019 Andrew and Margaret Ward
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.
2019 Bart and Margaret Fisher
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.
2019 Gayle and Lois Forner
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.
2019 William and Stephanie Hamm
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.
2019 Nancy Sand
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.
2019 Anthony and Briget Sanfilippo
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease.

2019 John Schwartz
For our 35th Anniversary, AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each of this year’s leaders in philanthropy recipients who are all honored and applauded for their ongoing annual philanthropic support to AAMDSIF since the year 2000. All recipients have contributed at least 150 donations and also made a donation in the past year. AAMDSIF is proud to recognize each leader for their financial support to help ensure the success of AAMDSIF so that we continue to help other patients and families who are diagnosed each year with a bone marrow failure disease. Mr. Schwartz has dedicated all of his donations in honor and memory of his daughter, Janice Gale (pictured).