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Patient and Family Webinars

Rare blood cancer and bone marrow failure diseases are often difficult to diagnose and even harder to explain. AAMDSIF brings international experts to your computer, tablet or smartphone using language that is easy to understand in a convenient one hour format. We have hundreds of webinars available for you to watch at any time you want!

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Sat, 07/20/2024 - 9:45am (EDT) Low-Risk MDS Webinar: Low-Risk M-D-S
Sat, 07/20/2024 - 12:45pm (EDT) Nutrition and Bone Marrow Failure Nutrition and Bone Marrow Failure

Watch Past Webinar Recordings

Topic(s): Related Bone Marrow Failure Diseases and Malignancies, Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases, Bone Marrow Transplant, Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

Dr. Hemant Murthy provides brief transplant overview and then answers questions from participants. He tackles common and uncommon questions during this presentation, essential for all potential transplant patients and families to learn.

Topic(s): Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases

Dr. Joseph Oved answers questions from participants. The webinar covers most of the most pressing questions from parents about the disease and treatment of their child with bone marrow failure disease.

Topic(s): Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), Aplastic Anemia

Dr. Daria Babushok discusses the significance of PNH clones in the diagnostic assessment of patients with bone marrow failure and recognized indications for starting complement inhibitor therapy in PNH (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria). The question and answer session is included after the presentation in this recording.
#PNH #paroxysmalnocturnalhemoglobinuria 

Topic(s): Related Bone Marrow Failure Diseases and Malignancies, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), Bone Marrow Transplant, Aplastic Anemia, Living Well with Bone Marrow Failure, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Managing Your Treatment

In this two-part conference session, Dr. Brion Randolph discusses the process of transplant as a modality for treating aplastic anemia, MDS and PNH. In the second part of the session, Dr. Salil Goorha discusses possible complications and side effects of transplant as well as best practices to live well after transplant.

Topic(s): Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases, Bone Marrow Transplant

In this conference session, Dr. Sharma discusses what causes severe aplastic anemia, bone marrow transplants for it and other forms of treatment when bone marrow transplants aren't the best solution.

Topic(s): Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

In this conference session, Dr. Lai discusses how to manage MDS in adults such as how it impacts a patient's life, treatment options, and additional topics.

Topic(s): Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases

In this conference session, Dr. Wlodarski discusses the basics of Pediatric MDS, the differences between MDS in children and adults, and practical examples on GATA2 and SAMD9/9L.

Topic(s): Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases, Bone Marrow Transplant

In this conference session, Dr. Ashkay Sharma discusses what causes severe aplastic anemia, bone marrow transplants for it and other forms of treatment when bone marrow transplants aren't the best solution.

Topic(s): Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

In this conference session, Dr. Patel discusses the review of a PNH diagnosis, complications, and treatments for the disease.

Topic(s): Aplastic Anemia

In this conference session, Dr. Thota discusses what a patient may experience and expect when diagnosed with aplastic anemia and also what questions to ask your doctor.

Topic(s): Related Bone Marrow Failure Diseases and Malignancies, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

In this webinar, Dr. David Beck, MD, PhD and Anna Cantor, MA, MS, CGC, discuss VEXAS syndrome which is a newly discovered auto-inflammatory condition affecting older adults.  VEXAS syndrome often overlaps with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with autoimmune disorders (AD). The question-and-answer section is included in this recording.

Topic(s): Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

In this webinar, Dr. Jaroslaw Maciejewski discusses the recent advances in treating PNH including treatments recently approved as well as what's in the pipeline. The recording includes the question and answer section.

Topic(s): Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

In this webinar, Dr. Firas El Chaer discusses the diagnosis of secondary AML and how treatment options are decided. Secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) refers to a condition in patients who have had prior myelodysplasia (MDS), myeloproliferative disorder, or aplastic anemia that converts to myeloid leukemia. It can occur with or without treatment for those conditions, or as a result of previous exposure to a chemotherapy or radiation. Patients with secondary AML need treatment soon after diagnosis because the disease often progresses fast. This recording includes a question and answer section.

Topic(s): Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Griffiths discusses research most relevant to patients reported over the past year on the biology and treatment on MDS and secondary AML. These studies were presented at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) 2021 meeting in Atlanta, GA. Research findings are explained along with the potential impact of this research on understanding and treating MDS and AML. This is an advanced scientific presentation.

Topic(s): Aplastic Anemia

In this webinar, Dr. Emma Groarke will discuss what is clonal evolution and potential impact for patients with aplastic anemia. She will answer questions from participants at the end of the presentation.

Topic(s): Related Bone Marrow Failure Diseases and Malignancies, Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Diseases, Bone Marrow Transplant, Living Well with Bone Marrow Failure, Managing Your Treatment

In this webinar, Dr. Edward Cowen will discuss cutaneous (skin) graft v host disease (GvHD) - a common post-transplant complication.  GvHD can affect different layers of the skin as well as the mouth, genitals, hair and sweat glands. Dr. Cowen will discuss diagnosis, the symptoms of skin GvHD and current treatment options. There will be a Q & A session at the end of the presentation. Questions can be submitted in advance to

PLEASE NOTE: The slide presentation contains images that are graphic. Some of the images illustrate adult male and adult female genital GVHD which will be discussed in the presentation. This webinar is not recommended for children to participate. 

Topic(s): Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

In this conference session, Dr. Amer Zeidan, MD discusses understanding the management options for higher risk MDS, the evolution of MDS to AML and more.

Topic(s): Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

In this conference session, Dr. Anand Karnad, MD discusses best practices for treatment of PNH.

Topic(s): Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

In this conference session, Dr. Ruben Mesa, MD discusses the different features between MDS and MPN and their overlap syndromes.

Topic(s): Aplastic Anemia

In this conference session, Dr. Elizabeth Cowhay Barnes discusses diagnosis and treatment of aplastic anemia.

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Special thanks to Abbvie and Taiho Oncology

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