Mark lives symptom-free with MDS, but it's still "like an albatross"
Mark had no symptoms common to bone marrow failure patients.
Not one.
Mark had no symptoms common to bone marrow failure patients.
Not one.
Johnnie Burford was deployed in Korea. He was a muscular 195-lb athlete, a proud member of the US Army Second Division. Nothing stopped him from performing his duty. Yet a rapid weight loss of 100 pounds, coupled with unusual bruising, alerted him that something was very wrong.
Derek was turning 45 and had noticed occasional swelling in his legs. Due to a family history of heart disease, his wife, Amy, was uneasy, noticing this symptom. She encouraged Derek to see his doctor for more thorough testing.
I was diagnosed with MDS (RAEB-2 - Refractory
Part 2: Immunotherapy begins!
MDS - My Story . . . so far
As a girl in South Africa, I was healthy and active. I started college at the University of Limpopo, studying Business/Accounting in 2011.
As a young man, Barry Gore was a top-40 celebrity disc jockey, complete with an adoring fan club in the Greater Boston area. But like most first jobs, it lost its luster and he settled into sales and marketing while getting his MBA.